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Dette maleriet er inspirert av den sørafrikanske kulturarvdagen 24. september, og den internasjonale rural women day 15. oktober.


Å feire kulturelt mangfold, og også erkjenne hvilken nøkkelrolle kvinnene i landsbygder har i kampen mot sult og makt.


"Lets recognize the work of these heroines in the food system of the world, and lets claim rural areas with equal opportunities for all."

United Nations


72x93 cm akryl pourpaint med metalliske pigmenter og pensel på dypkantlerret.


*5% BKH kunstavgift er inkludert, frakt kommer i tillegg


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kr 25 000,00Pris
  • This piece was inspired by the South African heritage day 24th of september, and international rural women day 15th of october. 

    Shining light on celebrating cultural diversity, and also recognizing what a key role rural women have in the fight against hunger and power. 

    "Lets recognize the work of these heroines in the food system of the world, and lets claim rural areas with equal opportunities for all."
    United Nations